Wide-field studies of galaxy formation and evolution, and cosmology.
Update of the previous Subaru panoramic meeting at Hayama in late 2007, with some initial results from Hyper Suprime-Cam.
Subaru hosted its 1st international conference at Hayama, Japan in
Dec 2007 with the title "Panoramic Views of Galaxy Formation and
Evolution", in which we showcased and discussed the great achievements
of modern wide-field studies of galaxies across cosmic time to which
Subaru had been making significant contributions with its unique
wide-field instruments such as Suprime-Cam mounted on the prime focus
of the Subaru telescope.
The recent advent of the new prime focus camera Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC)
in 2013, which now offers a 7 times wider field of view (1.77deg^2)
than Suprime-Cam, has revolutionized the survey power and is now
performing unprecedentedly large deep and wide legacy surveys of the
panoramic, evolving cosmos.
The gigantic prime focus spectrograph PFS, with ~2400 fibers over
a comparable FoV is also under construction, with operations
expected to start in 2019.
A number of other wide-field missions are also coming on line, such as
DES, VIPERS, LSST, WFIRST, EUCLID, as well as NIR--MIR missions.
We are entering into a new era in which the high-z Universe can be
as extensively explored as is the nearby Universe, and the closest
galaxies in the local Universe can be fully mapped.
With such exciting facilities in hand and a promising future ahead
of us, it is an appropriate time for us to meet together to present and
discuss new science results in various areas of galaxy evolution,
including some initial results from HSC. We will also discuss the future
directions of wide-field studies of galaxies and cosmology in 2020s.
Science Categories:
1. Cosmic Dawn2. Cosmic Noon/Afternoon
3. Cosmology
4. Wide Field Surveys
5. Galaxy Archaeology
Nov 28: Cosmic Dawn, ReceptionNov 29: Cosmic Noon/Afternoon
Nov 30: Cosmic Noon/Afternoon (continued); Excursion to Miyajima
Dec 01: Galaxy Archaeology & Cosmology; Banquet
Dec 02: Wide Field Surveys